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My blog posts

Jack the Ripper re-set

I've just been looking over my research for the last book - Return of the Ripper? The Murder of Frances Coles - and it got me thinking, not about who the Ripper was but about how he managed to escape being caught. Out of all the murders, and for the...

Who killed John Gill?

The real Question is did Jack the Ripper travel north? By the winter of 1888 Jack the Ripper had murdered Martha Tabram, Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly, or so the story goes. Question then is did he suddenly die, emigrate, go to...

Who murdered Amy?

For more than thirty years I have been fascinated by one of South Yorkshire's most horrific murders. A killing that drew UK wide headlines, pulled in Scotland Yard's supposed best and had a less than satisfactory outcome. Leastways one that most people back then, and maybe a few today, thought...

The Freezer murder

I like a mystery, as do most people, and the unsolved murder of 17 year-old Anne Noblett is exactly that. It's a little while back, 1957, but there's every chance her killer is still around. If he's not there's always the chance someone, all these years later, can point a...

Frances Coles and The Ripper

In February 1891 Jack the Ripper returned, or did he? That is the basis of my book. Did Jack the Ripper return to Whitechapel and murder Frances Coles? I wanted to write her story because I believe no-one had ever done justice to the narrative around her death. For over...

Doctor Forbes Winslow’s investigation

According to record Dr Forbes Winslow believed he knew the identity of Jack the Ripper. Who was he? I think perhaps the first criminal psychologist. I was attracted to his story when I researched Frances Coles and the whole Jack the Ripper legend. He was a man of wealth, took...